Monday 19 January 2015

mASS media

N°1 - Do you think that the media covers too much bad news and not enough good news? What was the last "good news" story you heard?
Okey, first of all it's should be said that I think the media are supposed to be objective. They should strictly report on what happened. Give us the data we need to make our own opinion on the issue. Yet as we all certainly know the world is full of people that are too lazy to think and they are almost thankful when the media serve them on a silver plate what they should think. Nevertheless I think that the media (not all of them fortunately but most of them) tries to scare us so we buy things we won't ever need and so we would live in fear. That means that I think the media covers too much bad news. In addition to this the bad news look most of the time like they are really important but when there's the good news it's about a puppy or kitchen skills of some "dude" they hired.
N°2 - How do you feel about censorship? Are there times when the news should be censored?
I think that people like us, children of the INTERNET era, cannot imagine what it's to see censored news. We've never lived in the times of any dictatorship (that would concern us) and thus we are not able to even picture it in our brain. The only thing we know is fast, uncensored, free and always actual WEB. We are used to know what happened in New Zealand at 12 o'clock no more than 5 minutes after it happened and New Zealand is on the other side of the world. I always want to be in the picture of what is currently happening so censorship would be hell for me.
N°3 - Do you think a politician's private life is newsworthy? Why or why not?
Yes and no. Yes because we should know about what politicians elected by us do in their free time and no because they are also just humans. My opinion is kind of influenced by my open-mindedness and my attitudes and therefore I don't see a problem in politician cheating on his wife or playing in casino (of course if he's addicted then it is probably a problem) or smoking weed. I'm not saying it is right or "atta boy, a way to go" no that's not what I meant. I mean that it doesn't have to be the first news I see or read. It's his personal life. I care about how he governs the country not about with whom he sleeps at night.
N°4 - Why are people so interested in the private lives of celebrities? 
This question kind of relates to the one above (n°3). People which are interested in private life of celebrities, for me personally, are just bored with their own lives and hence need to have information about other people. They need gossips. And gossips come from envy, it's that simple. We want to know if others are doing bad or good. If they are doing bad we pity them on the outside but inside are glad that we are doing better than they are and if they are doing good we envy them everything and say bad things about them so they wouldn't look so good and so we would feel better.