Sunday 7 September 2014


People from western countries need more space! 
That's one simple conclusion which you have to make after you've compared habits in choosing accommodation between Czechs and people from US and UK. I'm not saying that it's impossible to find a big house in Czech republic with a garden and a garage. However it's not so common in here. There are several reasons for that:
  1. PRICE
    If you want to build a house in Czechia you want to build a strong one and therefore it needs to be set deeply into the ground. That costs you a lot of money. Then you need solid walls most likely from reinforced concrete and in the end if you count it all together (roof, equipment, etc....) you have to pay almost half a million in US dollars and that's not something you just can get randomly on the street. In US it is different. They build their houses from wood or bricks (bricks are also typical for UK). There is a significant change in price because if your house is built in matter of weeks from materials like wood just by few carpenters with their tools it differs from when you have to have a lot of  masons and builders building your house for three months or more.
  2. Space
    This is an obvious point. Every little kid knows that USA and UK has to be bigger than some small country in the middle of Europe. 
  3. Infrastructure
    Getting from your house (probably in the suburb) to your work in the centre is a crucial thing you need to consider before buying/building a house. In my opinion in US they have sophisticated infrastructure. It's not like that traffic jam could not happen but it's less likely to happen than in Czech republic.
These are several differences between Czech housing and US housing.
Now I would like to give you some pros and cons of living where I live and by and large describe you the whole area.
I live in the inner suburb in a flat. It is a great location because there is a huge park next to it and it doesn't take a long time to get to the centre by a public transport. There are four people living in our flat and because it can be considered a small flat I have one room which I'm sharing with my sister. I would love to have my own room but this is good enough. At least I don't have to clean it by myself. :D The only thing that bothers me in the nearby area are gipsies but they are almost everywhere here so I guess that's won't change.

That's a question for which I think I have straight answer. Definitely BUYING. Renting is only acceptable for me when it's a short term option. By renting for a longer period of time you're only paying the whole price but not getting it in the end and that seems to be a nonsense.

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